Saturday, April 11, 2009

+ ThiN w0maN +

Low Blood Pressure
Are you a thin woman prone to feeling fatigued, light-headed, dizzy and panicked? Do you have low blood pressure, cold hands and feet, large pupils and very flexible joints? Then you may have an instability in your sympathetic nervous system.
The sympathetic nervous system is the part of the autonomic (unconscious) nervous system that releases adrenalin. When the sympathetic system is unstable, adrenalin is released too easily. This causes panic and brain fog, as well as cold hands, and low blood pressure because the blood moves away from the extremities. Because adrenalin causes salt to be lost through the kidneys, there is also low blood volume. People with this nervous system disorder have 20% less blood volume than normal.
The syndrome affects about 10% of the population, mostly women. It has been called many other things including anxiety neurosis, hypoglycaemia, fibromyalgia and mitral valve prolapse. (There is commonly a benign floppy heart valve associated with the syndrome.)
The adrenalin is produced by the adrenal glands, which are part of the sympathetic nervous system and the hormone system. Excessive adrenalin production will exhaust the poor adrenal glands, and they will lose the ability to produce hormones such as testosterone, cortisol and DHEA. Hormone disorders may develop.
Women with an instable sympathetic nervous system may also develop acne (because the nervous system is closely tied to skin) and weight gain on the stomach due to depleted testosterone.
The syndrome is also associated with migraine headaches, candida overgrowth, and interestingly, the formation of thyroid antibodies (as in Hashimoto's disease).
Quick Test for Low Blood Pressure Syndrome:
Get your blood pressure taken lying and then standing. If it drops, you probably have the syndrome.
Conventional treatment:
Regular fluids and salt intake, beta-blockers and drugs to conserve body fluid.
Natural treatment:
  • Sleep 8 hours per night. The nervous system needs sleep to rejuvenate and function. None of the following treatmens are as effective as sleep.
  • Get adequate salt. When the syndrome is severe, salt cravings develop, but even milder symptoms benefit from regular salt intake.
  • Get enough rest. The nervous system in these women likes routine and rest. One weekend away is not enough. You need to be consistently less busy.
  • Avoid caffeine
  • Avoid artificial sweeteners, which damage the nervous system
  • Eat regularly. Women with this syndrome experience adrenalin when their blood sugar drops. Use small regular meals and avoid refined sugar.
  • Legs up the wall meditation. This is a yoga pose that will restore blood pressure the brain. Talk to your yoga instructor. You need to do it every day.
  • Magnesium to stabilise the nervous system.
  • Licorice root increases blood sugar and conserves adrenal hormones
  • Tyrosine
  • Homoeopathic medicine to stabilise the nervous system.
  • Organotherapy to support the adrenal glands
  • Acupuncture or Bowen therapy

Till then

x0x0 <3

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