Friday, December 7, 2007

~ lAst X-mAs ~

Cant believe its already the month of Christmas..time fly's so damn fast when you don't want it to be..

I can still recall what and where i was at this moment..i would be in kl lazing around,shopping(as you know its the sale season),meeting up with friends and getting excited to see the decorations around the city.Its really i so miss all that..

Now I'm stuck here,working*sign* and still crossing my fingers for my leave to be approved*how sad can that be..sign*i miss going shopping and getting everyone x-mas pressie..this year I'm just too tired even to go out to the mall and the city is not as..hurmm how should i say it..well just put it this way..the decorations is ugly*sorry but its so true* compare it to gosh!!

entering midV or Jy can automatically change you mood..i miss that feeling..sob*sob* this is my 1st year working during the feels so weird..VERY!!! every1 is back for holis and I'm stuck working..8 to 5, 5 days aweek..dayum~

here's some pictures take last year on my 2 months holis back in kl..

i miss those day's*sob*sob*

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