Sunday, December 9, 2007

~ lazy monday ~

Monday's back,back to work..I HATE MONDAYS!!!*OK enough drama*

weekend passes so fast this days..hardly enjoy the weekend and monday's back in a blink of an eye..last saturday went to shenz with the normal bunch of people but 2 of them were missing*1 is back in pd and the other is somewhere sailing*how nice if both of you were here with us but that didn't stop us from having fun*grins*heheh had no idea why hazel and anil wanted to get me drunk o.0?? its not my birthday yet bahhh..2 weeks in advance is it??no way!it was the two of you who wanted to get drunk why me suddenly..well thank you so much for trying so hard to get me drunk and thanks for the drinks..hahaha but too bad i was still talking,dancing and standing straight..haha!owh yea not forgetting the drama all of us had to see..kesian ela she had to go thru the freaking stupid..a 25 year old is blaming a 20 year old girl taking her fiance..can you imagine that??OMG!! and she acted like a kid that night..if i were her i would go and jump from yayasan sabah or drown my but she tought she was the star that night..everyone was backing her up..all her friends we acting like a bimbo man..i feel ashamed for them..haih! pity girl like them..cant act their own age..well ended up that night they went back earlier then us..we were having so much fun we dont even care if they were still there..all i know THEY CAME AND TOOK OUR SPACE!!stupid..its not like that place has our name on it*giggles* but we were there 1st..sheez!! nways took alot of pictures and here goes..hope you'll like it =) muaxxxx~

~The only way to have friends is be one~
Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow.
Don't walk behind me, I may not lead.
Just walk beside me and be my friend.
-Albert Camus-

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